Freitag, Dezember 29, 2006


"realität ist ein zustand, der aus mangel an alkohol entsteht."

DAS erklärt einiges.

Montag, Dezember 18, 2006

don't hate me.

"an den dezember 2006 werden sie sich auch in zwanzig jahren noch erinnern... das beste daran: weder ein unvernünftiger one-night-stand noch eine heimliche affäre ohne zukunft hinterlassen einen gefühlskater. venus hat nämlich noch ein zweites geschenk in petto: die fähigkeit, den augenblick zu genießen - ohne an morgen zu denken..."

so stand's in irgendeinem doofen horoskop. nicht dass ich an sowas glaube (also eigentlich schon, aber das würde ich natürlich nie zugeben *g*), aber es hat mich jedenfalls nicht davon abgehalten, das gleich mal auszutesten. also das mit dem nicht vorhandenen gefühlskater. und die herrschaften hatten recht. wissen wollte ich das aber eigentlich nicht!

Freitag, Dezember 15, 2006

it's all coming back

there were nights when the wind was so cold
that my body froze in bed
if i just listened to it
right outside the window

there were days when the sun was so cruel
that all the tears turned to dust
and i just knew my eyes were
drying up forever

i finished crying in the instant that you left
and i can´t remember where or when or how
and i banished every memory you and i had ever made

but when you touch me like this
and you hold me like that
i just have to admit
that it´s all coming back to me
when i touch you like this
and i hold you like that
it´s so hard to believe but
it´s all coming back to me

there were moments of gold
and there were flashes of light
there were things i´d never do again
but then they´d always seemed right
there were nights of endless pleasure
it was more than any laws allow
baby, baby, baby

if i kiss you like this
and if you whisper like that
it was lost long ago
but it´s all coming back to me
if you want me like this
and if you need me like that
it was dead long ago
but it´s all coming back to me
it´s so hard to resist
and it´s all coming back to me
i can barely recall
but it´s all coming back to me now

but you were history with the slamming of the door
and i made myself so strong again somehow
and i never wasted any of my time on you since then

if i touch you like this
and if you kiss me like that
it was so long ago
but it´s all coming back to me
if you touch me like this
and if i kiss you like that
it was gone with the wind
but it´s all coming back to me

there were moments of gold
and there were flashes of light
there were things we´d never do again
but then they´d always seemed right
there were nights of endless pleasure
it was more than all your laws allow
baby, baby, baby

when you touch me like this
and when you hold me like that
it was gone with the wind
but it´s all coming back to me
when you see me like this
and when i see you like that
then we see what we want to see
all coming back to me
the flesh and the fantasies
all coming back to me
i can barely recall
but it´s all coming back to me now

if you forgive me all this
if i forgive you all that
we forgive and forget
and it´s all coming back to me now

Donnerstag, Dezember 14, 2006

don't you...

don't you want somebody to love?
don't you need somebody to love?
wouldn't you love somebody to love?
you better find somebody to love

say it ain't so joe

say it ain´t so joe, please, say it ain´t so
that´s not what i wanna hear joe
ain´t i got a right to know
say it ain´t so Joe, please, say it ain´t so
i´m sure they´re telling us lies joe
please tell us it ain´t so

they told us that our hero has played his trump card
he doesn´t know how to go on
we´re clinging to his charm and determined smile
but the good ol´days have gone
the image and the empire may be falling apart
the money has gotten scarce
one man´s world held the country together
but the truth is getting fierce

ooh babies, don´t you think we´re gonna get burned
gonna get learned

say it ain´t so joe, please, say it ain´t so
we pinned our hopes on you joe
and they´re running our show

ooh babies, don´t you think we´re gonna get burned
we´re gonna get turned,
gonna get learned

Mittwoch, Dezember 06, 2006


cause you give me something
that makes me scared alright...

Montag, Dezember 04, 2006

ja... nein... ich meine: JEIN!!!

inkonsequenz, dein name sei mella!

gerade habe ich via mail hoch und heilig geschworen, dass mit der alten wohnung auch der alte lebenswandel und alles, was damit so zusammenhängt, geschichte ist, da strafe ich mich sekundenbruchteile später schon wieder selbst lügen.
und was braucht es dazu? stundenlange gespräche? wilde versprechungen? besondere überredungskünste? bestechung?
NEIN. sms genügt.

ich bin zu gut für diese welt. oder einfach zu blöd.

Freitag, Dezember 01, 2006

scared of girls

hinten: mella, tanja, ela, maria
vorne: barbara, miri

unnötig zu erwähnen, dass alkohol im spiel war. sieht man ja. und wer hält den beweis in der hand??? genau.
ich muss meinen lebenswandel überdenken.