enttäuschung. wut. das beklemmende gefühl, dass die zeit für all das abgelaufen ist. das ende von etwas, das gut und richtig war. irgendwann mal.
und dann: ein vertrautes lächeln. eine schulter zum kopf anlehnen. nichts ist mehr schlimm. oder traurig.
"keep a light on those you love
they will be there when you die
baby there's no need to fear
baby there's no need to cry
every little piece in your life
will add up to one
every little piece in your life
will it mean something to someone
you fuse my broken bones
back together and then
lift the weight of the world
from my shoulders again
every little piece in your life
will add up to one
every little piece in your life
will it mean something to someone?
every little piece in your life
will add up to one
every little piece of your life
will mean something to someone
you touch my face god whispers in my ear
there are tears in my eyes
love replaces fear
you touch my face
god whispers in my ears
in my ear
there are tears in my eyes
love replaces fear
every little piece in your life
will add up to one
every little piece in your life
will mean something to someone
every little piece in your life
will add up to one
every little piece of your life
will mean something to someone."